Public Works
My name is Aajee Warren, and this is my story.
Just like most of you, my priorities are God, Family, and Country which includes our state and local governments. My core values include integrity and strength of character, respect, fairness and equality for everyone, excellence and innovation, caring and collaboration.
My mother is Acquanetta Warren. She was a single mother who raised my two brothers and me while balancing her career in Public Works. She often took me with her on emergency service calls.
My commitment to public service and collaboration – working together for a common good – was inspired by my mother and sustained by an experience in my neighborhood.
The main water pipe had broken. A torrent of water was gushing from the break. It threatened homes and the possible undermining of the street.
Men and women in their protective hard hats and vests were working feverishly to fix the pipe, stop the loss of water, and prevent further damage.
Their race or personal preferences did not matter.
What mattered was did they have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to do the job in an honest, ethical, effective, and efficient manner.
Could they protect the community’s safety and keep the taps flowing with clean fresh water.
An important lesson was that first responders include water district specialists who repair broken pipes and threats to our water supply.
It was clear to me they too are first responders.
Keeping our community supplied with fresh water at the turn of the tap is indeed an emergency service.
My passion for service grew began when I was an elementary school student.
My first-grade teacher gave me as an opportunity to service others by assisting fellow students with disabilities.
Those moments were special to me and taught me a great deal about the joy received in service to others. I was blessed to find my passion so early in life.
The devotion to the responsibility of assisting others grew when I served on the Etiwanda High School newspaper.
That experience gave me an understanding of the value of outreach and communication.
Providing current, factual, and beneficial information to the Etiwanda High community, including parents, grandparents, and guardians, was helpful to the primary goal of any school which is to learn.
A common thread was developing in my life. For me, success and joy were expressed by my passion for community service and assisting people.
I learned teamwork from being in the Etiwanda High School Marching Eagles Band. It taught me the importance of discipline, completing goals in a timely manner, and never giving up.
It was an honor to march with my fellow classmates through the beautiful fields of Rancho Cucamonga and Fontana.
For university, I followed in my grandmother Rudeen Harrison’s footsteps and attended Oakwood University located in Huntsville, Alabama, an HBCU and Seventh Day Adventist
The core values of Oakwood University are respect, compassion, integrity, excellence, service to others, innovation and collaboration. My formal education in those values at Oakwood merged perfectly with the set of core values I had been developing throughout my life.
After earning a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, I returned home and enrolled at California State
University San Bernardino to pursue a Master of Arts in Rehabilitation Counseling.
That experience I honed my skills of assessment, concise report writing, and connecting people with opportunities.
I work for the Department of Rehabilitation as a Social Service Practitioner. It is a hands-on experience which continues to provide me with the potential to change the lives of individuals
for the better.
Many people have a primary vocation which provide our livelihood, and many people have an avocation. For some it is a deep knowledge of sports, faith-based pursuits, the study of history, and service clubs.
Having an avocation does not diminish a person’s subject matter expertise or dedication to service. For example, Isaac Newton who laid the foundation of modern science was employed in the British Royal Mint.
Sometimes people are compensated for their part time avocation. And sometimes their part-time avocation transforms into a full-time vocation.
For example, I am currently employed as a Water Recourse Analyst with Royal Blue Consulting.
I love it because I get to use my analytical skills to study water resource management, assess water availability, analyze data related to water supply and demand, and develop strategies for sustainable water use.
It may sound as fun as a trip to the dentist, but for me it is intellectually stimulating and enjoyable.
Fortunately, I am compensated for my avocation. But more importantly, it has developed my knowledge, skills, and abilities so I can seek another level of service to my community.
And that is why I believe I am prepared for the Cucamonga Valley Water Board. The last 25 years have come full circle.
It began by learning my passion for service, teamwork, and appreciation for diversity of people.
I have the education, experience, and proficiencies to be successful as your representative on the Cucamonga Valley Water Board.
I am committed to my passion for transparency, accountability, and honesty which is what we as a community need to achieve the goal of providing a sustainable flow of clean water.
Please join me in this mission to serve our community, by providing me with your generous support to help elect me as the District 2 - Director of the Cucamonga Valley Water District.
Thank you!
Aajee Warren
Aajee Warren
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